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After some world travel, hundreds of camping trips and few thousand miles of hiking, us long time friends were ready to trade in our laptops and conference calls for a good pair of hiking boots.


We're inclusive, positive and fun, and treat our campers to what we like best about the outdoors: challenging hike with a view, a comfy tent, great conversations, and a well earned gourmet meal after a day of adventuring.


When we bring a diverse group of women together for a shared positive experience, all of us gain a deeper understanding and appreciation of one another - AND- when you step out of your comfort zone and push yourself to try new things, you see the world in a different light.


Our hope is that you leave our trips feeling empowered, and gain a new or refreshed appreciation of the great outdoors.  


We’re certified Wilderness First Responders, Leave No Trace Level 2 Instructors, and love a bit of Type 2 fun.


Come Hike with Us!


She Hikes Too




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