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Leave No Trace

The 7 Principles   

The 7 Principles of Leave No Trace provide an easily understood framework of minimum impact practices for anyone visiting the outdoors. The Principles can be applied anywhere — from remote wilderness areas, to local parks and even in your backyard. Each Principle covers a specific topic and provides detailed information to empower adventurers to minimize impact.  On our She Hikes Too trips, you'll hear us talk about these principles to educate our campers - so we all can protect and enjoy our natural world together.

#1 - Plan Ahead and Prepare

#2 - Travel and Camp on Durable Surfaces

#3 - Dispose of Waste Properly

#4 - Leave What You Find

#5 - Minimize Campfire Impacts

#6 - Respect Wildlife

#7 - Be Considerate of Other Visitors

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